Support Groups
Homeschoolers have created networks of support to provide a way to make friends, get ideas and information, and to offer positive socialization opportunties to their children. You can join in! There are many groups to choose from, many with specific affiliations, like Christian groups or unschoolers' groups. Some are eclectic, inclusive, and open to anyone. Whatever your interest, you are sure to find other like-minded parents. And if you don't find what you are looking for, we've put together tips for starting your own group.
Local & State Groups
Support groups offer a way for those interested in homeschooling or new to home education to get information and support. They also offer opportunities for social activities, group learning, and networking. Find a support group near you in Ohio.
National Groups
Tap into the national homeschool movement by connecting with these national homeschool groups and support organizations.
Social Media
Connect with other homeschooling using social networking tools. You can share tips and ideas, get support, collaborate on lesson plans, upload photos, and much more.
A co-op offers a way to share teaching duties with others who are excited and knowledgeable about a subject. It also offers an opportunity for your children to learn in a group and to make friends. Browse through this list of co-ops in Ohio.
Umbrella/Cover Schools
An umbrella or cover school provides an alternative way for parents to fulfill governmental educational guidelines and requirements. Most offer a variety of services, which can include curricula, social activities, field trips, standardized testing, portfolio reviews, evaluations, and graduation materials, including diplomas. While umbrella schools do tend to the needs of homeschoolers, they are considered a type of private school in most states.
Resource Centers
Homeschool resource centers offer classes, materials, field trips, and other activities for parents and children alike. They are great ways to get new information, engage in group activities, and network with other homeschoolers.
Public School Programs
Public schools are increasing offering programs to appeal to homeschooling families, from classes to educational materials to computer and distance learning. In most cases, students enrolled in these programs are considered public school students rather than homeschoolers. Learn more about these programs and decide if these are right for your family.
Group Management
Learn how to start and manage a homeschool support group, including how to stay organized, how to handle conflict, and ideas for your support group.
What's Popular
Inclusive North Columbus Home Education (INCHES)
INCHES stands for Inclusive North Columbus Home Education Support. Inclusive means that it is open to anyone regardless of race, religion, home school styles, parenting styles, etc. Public online charter school and "08" school families are welcome to join this support group and participate in activities. This is an informal support group that meets on the first week of each month.
Mahogany Homeschoolers of Ohio
Mahogany Homeschoolers of Ohio purpose is to provide support for African American homeschooling families. They are located in the Canton-Akron area. This support group strives to unite African American homeschooling families by providing encouragement and information that is critical for successful homeschooling.
Unschoolers Network Ohio (UNO)
This is an email list for unschoolers in Ohio. The mission of this group is to promote and support unschooling, AKA natural learning, interest led learning, child led learning. Join in discussion about the unschooling lifestyle, how to succeed within Ohio regulations, and basically anything that relates to learning by living life.
Electronic Classroom of Tomorrow (ECOT)
The Electronic Classroom of Tomorrow (ECOT) is an online public community school sponsored by the Lucas County (Ohio) Educational Service Center (LCESC). It is based in Columbus and has provided students in Ohio with an online public education since the 200-2001 school year.
CHESCA Support Group (CHESCA)
Christian Home Educators Stark County Association's email list is intended to provide support to Christian home educators in the Stark County, Ohio area. This is a restricted list. You must be a current member of CHESCA to receive announcements from this list.
Families Independently Schooling at Home (F_I_S_H)
YahooGroup email list for all homeschooling families in North Central Ohio regardless of religious affiliation or educational philosophy.
Dayton Area Homeschoolers
Dayton Area Homeschoolers is an informal, inclusive group of homeschoolers, or those interested in learning more about homeschool, in the Dayton Ohio area. They have no religious affiliation. The main idea: to share info, go on field trips, teach or participate in co-op classes in all subjects, support each other in whatever method of homeschool is used.
Ohio Virtual School Families & Friends
This group is for families, or friends of families with children enrolled in virtual charter (community) schools in Ohio. This is a private group not affiliated with the Coalition or with any one virtual charter school or academy. Its members may be associated with any of the virtual schools or digital academies currently open in Ohio including, but not limited to: BOSS, Connections, ECOT, OHDELA, OHVA, TRECA, VCS Ohio.
Gifted Ohio Homeschoolers (GOHome)
Email list for Gifted Ohio Homeschoolers, parents who are homeschooling or considering homeschooling a gifted child in Ohio.
Northern Ohio Unschoolers
The purpose of this group is to have a place where Unschooling families in Northern Ohio can find a local unschooling community and plan activities, field trips, park days, learning opportunities, etc.
This list is for the discussion of topics related to homeschooling in Ohio.
Families Independently Schooling at Home (FISH)
FISH is an online group of Ohio homeschooling families coming together to offer help and support to each other. They are also an online resource for families that are just starting or thinking about homeschooling. Although many members homeschool for religious reasons, they are not an exclusively Christian group.
Homeschool Network of Greater Cincinnati (HSN)
The HSN is families working together to support each other in the joys and responsibilities of educating their children at home. Members come from the greater Cincinnati area, including southern Ohio, Indiana, and Kentucky. Members' children range in age from infants to graduating seniors. They do not advocate any particular method, style, or philosophy of home schooling, but help families to connect with one another and to find the information/resources that they need.
SE Michigan Homeschooling Teens & Preteens
SE Michigan Homeschooling Teens and Pre-teens is an informally structured homeschool support group comprised of homeschooling families in Southeastern Michigan. Email list offers a place to connect to place events and activities for teens and pre-teens.
Columbus Metro Unschoolers' Group
News, announcements and discussion for the Columbus Metro Unschoolers' Group.
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When Children Love to Learn: A Practical Application of Charlotte Mason's Philosophy for Today
Children want to learn and one of the best approaches to homeschooling is to meet their natural curiosity with support and understanding. Charlotte Mason's educational philosophy does just that. This book offers explanations of how to incorporate Mas...
The Work-at-Home Sourcebook
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Idea Book For Cuisenaire Rods At The Intermediate Level
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